Better care starts now.  QuickChange Incontinence Wraps are the smart solution for male urinary incontinence in sleeping or minimally ambulatory patients.

Effective. Efficient. Effortless.

Better care starts now

The smart solution for male urinary incontience (UI) in sleeping or minimally ambulatory patients.


WOCN Endorsement

The Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses (WOCN) Society charged a task force with creating recommendations for assessment, selection, use, and evaluation of body-worn absorbent products. The Society then convened a panel of experts to develop consensus statements guiding assessment, use, and evaluation of the effect of body-worn absorbent products for adults with urinary and/or fecal incontinence. For non-ambulatory men, the Society recommends facilities look at QuickChange wraps (p257, table V – Recommendations).

Promote Skin Health & Healing

QuickChange Wraps are designed to collect urine as soon as it is voided without it ever getting on the skin. This separation helps healthy skin stay healthy and clean and helps damaged skin stay dry to promote healing.


Lets Talk About...

Foley catheters have clear, well known issues: high infection rates, urethral scarring, continence control damage. When addressing urinary retention, Foleys are clearly called for. However, Foleys are still often used over condom caths, not out of medical necessity, but as a practical necessity - wounds, dermatitis, skin maceration, damaged genitalia, etc.

Condom catheters have their own issues: they are prone to leaks, difficult to measure appropriate sizing, dermatitis and maceration, painful removal. Often, they're not even a viable option for patients with indwelling penises or enlarged scrotums or heavily damaged skin.

Mitigate Possible Pressure Ulcers

There is a known correlation between IAD and pressure ulcers. IAD causes a weakening of the skin which can increase the chance of a pressure ulcer occurring or exacerbate existing damage. By keeping urine off the skin, the chance of skin deterioration is significantly reduced.
